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Refer a Business and Get Rewarded With a $100 Bill Credit

Start Referring Now!

As a current STAT customer, you automatically have the ability to start referring. Simply provide the business's basic contact information above with your account number (STAT-XXXXX).

Receive a $100 Bill Credit*

You receive a $100 bill credit for each referred business that enrolls their electricity service with STAT Energy.

Score a Free Month of Electricity

Having multiple business referrals in the same month can reduce your bill to $0, resulting in a free month of electricity!

No Caps on Referrals

There is no cap on the amount of businesses you can refer. The more businesses you refer, the more you save!

The Referred Business Join the Savings

Once signed up, the newly enrolled business instantly has the ability to start referring and receiving bill credits for each of their referrals.

Everyone Wins

You score a $100 bill credit for each business referral and the referred business scores monthly savings from their new low priced plan along with first-class customer service.

* You must be a current STAT Energy customer to be eligible for the referral program. Your bill credit will automatically be applied to your account after 3 months of on time bill payments by the new enrollee. To receive the bill credit, the referred business must use a minimum average of 1000 kWh per month. For questions about the business referral program, contact our STAT Energy Customer Care Team by e-mail at customerservice@statenergytexas.com or by phone at 214-810-2KWH (594). Rules are subject to change. We reserve the right to replace or withdraw this program at any time without notice. PUCT# 10202